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Attempt Model Test Papers in General Studies Paper-I (Hindi)

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Quiz of the Fortnight

A fresh Quiz every fortnight comprising 15–20 questions that • form a mixed bag ranging from current events to theoretical aspects of various subjects prescribed for study in general knowledge papers of various examinations; • include items on the little-known aspects of the subjects; and • are designed to test in-depth knowledge in a variety of subjects.

Answers are provided against which one can check one’s performance.

Quiz is FREE to attempt.

An ideal way for candidates of competitive examinations to keep abreast of current developments as well as widen their knowledge in various academic subjects.



Practice Session

This section is devised to help readers • get acquainted with the kind of questions set in the civil services examinations; • assess their level of knowledge; and • hone their test-taking skills.

For PRELIMS full-scale trend-setting practice tests are available with answers and explanatory notes. Attempt our Sample Tests—all for FREE.

FOR MAINS, model questions of different lengths in the prescribed subjects with suggested answers are available. Study the FREE Samples of answers to some questions from previous years’ papers.


News Scan

This special feature offers brief extracts from and gists of • editorial comments of select national newspapers on important events and developments around the world; and • views and opinions of experts on various issues, policies, and schemes as expressed in the articles of these newspapers.

The content is carefully selected and systematically arranged.

This section, FREE to access, will acquaint the readers with different opinions and help them develop a balanced view of events and issues—very important for the written and the personality test for civil services aspirants. It will encourage readers to read the original articles as well.


News & Views

The FREE NEWS section focuses on • important events and developments around India and the world in every field; and • explanation of new terms in the news relating to various fields.

The VIEWS section has • critically analytical articles on select news events, • debatable topics of current/topical interest, and • supplementary information to what is provided in our books.

This section will effectively update readers’ knowledge and will be of special use to candidates of the civil services examination at all levels—Prelims, Mains, and the Personality Test.




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